My interest and skills

My current area of expertise:

I specialise in the field of numerically modelling large deformation. I have developed a finite element code applying the principles of the Material Point Method. I implemented a novel contact algorithm using the penalty function method. Later, I extended the code by incorporating the theory of porous media to model saturated soils. I also implemented an elasto-plastic constitutive law called UBCSAND to model the fluidisation of soil under dynamic load. Coding finite element tools are my forte, and fortuitous that is what I love!

Skills is my repertoire:

I can work with quite a few programming languages. Below, I list them in the order of my comfort with working them:

  • Fortran
  • C++
  • Python
  • Maple
  • Visual Basic for Applications

I am learning Julia right now because I sense its potential for use in scientific applications.

I can also work with quite a few commercial finite element softwares, and I list them in the order of fluency:

  • Plaxis 2D/3D
  • Abaqus
  • Ansys

I usually use Plaxis and Abaqus for my work. But, I am always open to learning new numerical tools, or better yet, coding one!

I also know other nice-to-have tools used mainly in scientific applications:

  • Git
  • Origin – A data visualisation tool
  • Gnuplot, Matplotlib
  • TeXstudio/LyX/TeXmacs

My experience applying these tools:

  • I am working on a research project called “VISSKA” supported by the Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy. The aim is to develop a numerical forecast model for installing monopiles using the Vibro piling method. I will also numerically estimate the noise emissions by capturing the pressure waves that propagate through the seawater.
  • I worked on a project funded by RWE AG to simulate numerically model monopiles. I developed a code using the CPDI method and implemented a constitutive law to capture liquefaction effects during installation.
  • I developed a Fortran based Material Point Method tool with OpenMP parallelisation, capable of simulating large deformation in solid and fluid constituents.
  • I also implemented a novel multibody contact algorithm, incorporating a Finite Element domain into the Material Point continuum. I used this algorithm in the third-party projects for RWE AG and Innogy SE.
  • I teach, and I love it! I am the coordinator for the course Geoengineering and Geohydrology, a Master’s module. I also lecture and tutor the courses Engineering Materials, Numerical Modelling of Soils, Geoengineering and a module in German, Geostatik, all Master’s level courses.

Languages I speak:

I speak quite a few languages. I was raised tri-lingual. I speak English, Tamil and Telugu natively (C2). I speak Hindi fluently (C1). I also speak German fluently (B2), having lived in Germany for many years.

What I do in my spare time:

I love playing my violin. I have been learning to play the violin since I was 9. I am trained in the “Carnatic” style of classical Indian music. I have a neat little electric violin, which allows me to play without disturbing my neighbours. I can also play the flute, but don’t play it often these days. I have also started to learn to play the Mandolin. The aim is to become a “one-man band”. But I am stymied by my limited number of arms!

I also enjoy the hobby of distro-hopping. I try out many Linux operating systems (sometimes more than one in a day)! I do have my favourites (looking at Elementary OS). Although end up using Arch Linux for a bout of hopping, I do try out the newest iteration of OSes as soon as they are released. I also enjoy “ricing” desktop environments. I invariably bleach the whole drive and start all over again. But, there’s where the fun is!

Links for my socials and my contact email are here, if you wish to get in touch with me.